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Papers found (41):

Date Title
July 11, 2016 ICAR5: design and validation of a 5-item public domain cognitive ability test
Sept. 12, 2016 Does sub-European genomic ancestry predict outcomes for US states?
April 18, 2016 Country of origin and use of social benefits: A pilot study of stereotype accuracy in Denmark
May 23, 2016 Inequality across US counties: an S factor analysis
March 24, 2014 Criminality and fertility among Danish immigrant populations
April 4, 2014 Criminality among Norwegian immigrant populations
Oct. 4, 2015 Crime among Dutch immigrant groups is predictable from country-level variables
April 17, 2014 Semantic discussions of intelligence and the (un)importance of the study of race and g: A comment on Hunt and Jaeggi (2013)
April 18, 2014 Do National IQs Predict U.S. Immigrant Cognitive Ability and Outcomes? An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshman
May 12, 2014 Educational attainment, income, use of social benefits, crime rate and the general socioeconomic factor among 70 immigrant groups in Denmark
Sept. 8, 2014 The international general socioeconomic factor: Factor analyzing international rankings
Oct. 9, 2014 Crime, income, educational attainment and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and Finland
Oct. 30, 2014 The personal Jensen coefficient does not predict grades beyond its association with g
Nov. 18, 2014 Fluid g in Scandinavia and Finland: Comparing results from PISA Creative Problem Solving and the WAIS IV matrices subtest
March 3, 2015 Increasing inequality in general intelligence and socioeconomic status as a result of immigration in Denmark 1980-2014
June 4, 2015 Immigrant GPA in Danish primary school is predictable from country-level variables
July 31, 2015 Validating a Danish translation of the International Cognitive Ability Resource sample test and Cognitive Reflection Test in a student sample
April 12, 2014 The genetic correlation between educational attainment, intracranial volume and IQ is due to recent polygenic selection on general cognitive ability
April 6, 2016 Inequality across prefectures in Japan: An S factor analysis
Jan. 26, 2016 Inequality among 32 London Boroughs: An S factor analysis
Nov. 3, 2016 The OKCupid dataset: A very large public dataset of dating site users
Nov. 7, 2016 Some new methods for exploratory factor analysis of socioeconomic data
Nov. 11, 2016 Country of origin and use of social benefits: A large, preregistered study of stereotype accuracy in Denmark
Feb. 11, 2017 Immigrant crime in Germany 2012-2015
Feb. 22, 2017 Cognitive ability and political preferences in Denmark
May 21, 2017 Net fiscal contributions of immigrant groups in Denmark and Finland are highly predictable from country of origin IQ and Muslim%
Jan. 10, 2018 Self-reported criminal and anti-social behavior on a dating site: the importance of cognitive ability
Nov. 2, 2018 Editorial: A Response to Criticisms of the OpenPsych Journals
Dec. 12, 2018 Linguistic features in names and social status: an exploratory study of 1,890 Danish first names
June 14, 2021 A study of stereotype accuracy in the Netherlands: immigrant crime, occupational sex distribution, and provincial income inequality
July 5, 2021 An examination of the vocabulary test
Aug. 29, 2021 Looking for evidence of the Dunning-Kruger effect: an analysis of 2400 online test takers
Dec. 22, 2021 Genetic ancestry and social race are nearly interchangeable
May 19, 2022 No Fair Sex in Academia: Evidence of Discrimination in Hiring to Editorial Boards
Feb. 12, 2023 Intelligence Really Does Predict Job Performance: A Long-Needed Reply to Richardson and Norgate
July 17, 2023 Honesty, Intelligence, and Race
July 21, 2023 Intelligence Trends in Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of Roman Polygenic Scores
Sept. 11, 2023 Income and Education Disparities Track Genetic Ancestry
March 5, 2024 Diversity in STEM: Merit or Discrimination via Inaccurate Stereotype?
April 15, 2024 Is Research on the Genetics of Race / IQ Gaps “Mythically Taboo?”
March 24, 2025 Does intelligence have nonlinear effects on political opinions?

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Emil O. W. Kirkegaard

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