All posts by Davide Piffer

Forum Thread Reply Reply date
[Archive] Other discussions 23andMe Both me and my GF scored 125-129 on the Mensa tes… Sept. 7, 2014, 6:51 p.m.
[Archive] Other discussions Newb questions Isn't this something you could test with the curr… Sept. 5, 2014, 11:06 a.m.
[Archive] Other discussions IQdb A couple of researchers from Beijing set up an IQ… Sept. 5, 2014, 10:23 a.m.
[Archive] Other discussions Newb questions One of these is population genetics and evolution… Sept. 5, 2014, 6:47 a.m.
[Archive] Other discussions IQdb A couple of researchers from Beijing set up an IQ… Sept. 5, 2014, 6:34 a.m.
[Archive] Post-review discussions [ODP] A Standardization of the Standard Progressive Matrices in Egypt It is an issue because many if not most Egyptians… Sept. 3, 2014, 3:43 p.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost We will compare control group frequencies vs high… Sept. 3, 2014, 8:38 a.m.
[Archive] Other discussions Request for non-open access articles My institution does not have access to this artic… Sept. 3, 2014, 8:05 a.m.
[Archive] Post-review discussions [ODP] The Scandinavian WAIS IV Matrices as a Test of Dutton, te Nijenhuis and Rovaine Matrix tests are highly g-loaded (or at least use… Sept. 2, 2014, 4:51 a.m.
[Archive] Post-review discussions [ODP] The Scandinavian WAIS IV Matrices as a Test of Dutton, te Nijenhuis and Rovaine The average OECD score was 500.Britain's IQ shoul… Sept. 1, 2014, 5:35 p.m.
[Archive] Post-review discussions [ODP] Crime, income and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and Finland I approve Aug. 31, 2014, 5:26 p.m.
[Archive] Post-review discussions [ODP] Crime, income and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and Finland I cannot find anything wrong with this paper. I a… Aug. 31, 2014, 3:17 p.m.
[Archive] Other discussions 23andMe I've never taken a 23andMe test because I'm conce… Aug. 31, 2014, 8:46 a.m.
[Archive] Other discussions 23andMe I guess that's a good reason to finally send in t… Aug. 31, 2014, 6:23 a.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost I am wondering about the next part of this study.… Aug. 29, 2014, 4:57 p.m.
[Archive] Other discussions 23andMe As you guys know, we are carrying out a mini IQ-G… Aug. 29, 2014, 12:44 p.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost I'll probably get results for chromosome one next… Aug. 29, 2014, 10:32 a.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost Gilfoyle, if you have any questions on the next s… Aug. 29, 2014, 6:43 a.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost We should probably write this up. :)Yes but I wan… Aug. 28, 2014, 4:32 p.m.
[Archive] Private discussions A free GWAS based on Piffer's method: hunting for IQ alleles at no cost Ok I carried out PCA. One component was extracted… Aug. 28, 2014, 4:08 p.m.