Noah Carl
Country: United Kingdom
Affilation: Not stated
Job title: Researcher
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4442-9939
Published papers in OpenPsych journals
Nov. 2, 2018, Editorial: A Response to Criticisms of the OpenPsych Journals
Jan. 16, 2018, The Political Attitudes of British Academics
March 28, 2017, A global analysis of Islamist violence
Feb. 22, 2017, Cognitive ability and political preferences in Denmark
Nov. 10, 2016, Net opposition to immigrants of different nationalities correlates strongly with their arrest rates in the UK
June 28, 2016, An analysis of Islamist terrorism across Western countries
Paper reviewed in OpenPsych journals
March 24, 2025, Does intelligence have nonlinear effects on political opinions?
Dec. 7, 2021, Book Review: Stuart Ritchie (2020). Science Fictions: How fraud, bias, negligence, and hype undermine the search for truth.
May 21, 2017, Net fiscal contributions of immigrant groups in Denmark and Finland are highly predictable from country of origin IQ and Muslim%
Feb. 11, 2017, Immigrant crime in Germany 2012-2015
Nov. 7, 2016, Some new methods for exploratory factor analysis of socioeconomic data
Sept. 12, 2016, Does sub-European genomic ancestry predict outcomes for US states?
May 23, 2016, Inequality across US counties: an S factor analysis
April 6, 2016, Inequality across prefectures in Japan: An S factor analysis
Jan. 26, 2016, Inequality among 32 London Boroughs: An S factor analysis