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Request for non-open access articles
Does any one have access to SAGE, Wiley?
I can get you guys Sciencedirect, I have access to this outlet.
I have access to all major outlets. Multiple other persons that frequent this forum have as well. If you need something, just post in this thread.
Happiness as a driver of risk-avoiding behavior: Theory and an empirical study of seatbelt wearing and automobile accidents
Remittances and Energy Consumption: Evidence from Morocco

Can some one get these papers if its possible? I have the working papers but I would need the published one as well. Thanks :)
Happiness as a driver of risk-avoiding behavior: Theory and an empirical study of seatbelt wearing and automobile accidents
Remittances and Energy Consumption: Evidence from Morocco

Can some one get these papers if its possible? I have the working papers but I would need the published one as well. Thanks :)
Happiness as a driver of risk-avoiding behavior: Theory and an empirical study of seatbelt wearing and automobile accidents
Remittances and Energy Consumption: Evidence from Morocco

Can some one get these papers if its possible? I have the working papers but I would need the published one as well. Thanks :)

Thanks so much