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Psychometric Analysis of the Multifactor General Knowledge Test
The Multifactor general knowledge test for the openpsychometrics website was evaluated on multiple dimensions, including its reliability, ability to generate differences in areas where it is known that groups differ, how it should be scored, whether older individuals scored higher, and its dimensionality. The best method to generate the scores was to treat every checkbox as an item and add up the correct and incorrect scores. This generated a highly reliable (rxx = 0.93) test, with a low median completion time (577 seconds), and a high ceiling (IQ = 149). One set of items (internet abbreviations) were found to have very low g-loadings, so we recommend removing them. The test also had age, national, and gender differences which replicate previous findings in the field.
The test was clearly biased against non-Anglos, especially in the sections of aesthetic knowledge, cultural knowledge, literary knowledge, and technical knowledge. Computational and international knowledge did not seem to have these biases. We highly recommend using this test to test the general knowledge of native English speakers, and the use of a cultural or linguistic translation for non-English speakers. It is unclear whether norms generated from an online test accurately correspond to those of a nationally representative sample, so these norms should be interpreted with caution.
sex differences,
Supplemental materials link
Reviewer 1: Considering / Revise
Reviewer 2: Accept
Reviewer 3: Considering / Revise
Reviewer 4: Accept