Philbrick Bastinado (pseudonym)
Country: USA
Affilation: Not stated
Job title: Not stated
Published papers in OpenPsych journals
April 4, 2014, Rule dependence and Flynn effects: some elaboration
Paper reviewed in OpenPsych journals
Nov. 18, 2014, Fluid g in Scandinavia and Finland: Comparing results from PISA Creative Problem Solving and the WAIS IV matrices subtest
Aug. 25, 2014, The Elusive X-Factor: A Critique of J. M. Kaplan’s Model of Race and IQ
Aug. 20, 2014, The Canadian IQ calculated from the standardization of the WAIS IV
July 26, 2014, Ethnic/Race Differences in Aptitude by Generation in the United States: An Exploratory Meta-analysis
July 3, 2014, Parents’ Income is a Poor Predictor of SAT Score
May 13, 2014, Reassessment of Jewish Cognitive Ability: Within Group Analyses Based on Parental Fluency in Hebrew or Yiddish
May 12, 2014, Educational attainment, income, use of social benefits, crime rate and the general socioeconomic factor among 70 immigrant groups in Denmark
April 18, 2014, Do National IQs Predict U.S. Immigrant Cognitive Ability and Outcomes? An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshman
April 17, 2014, Semantic discussions of intelligence and the (un)importance of the study of race and g: A comment on Hunt and Jaeggi (2013)
April 7, 2014, The personality and cognitive correlates of creative achievement
April 4, 2014, Criminality among Norwegian immigrant populations
March 24, 2014, Criminality and fertility among Danish immigrant populations