Peter Frost
Published papers in OpenPsych journals
Nov. 2, 2018, Editorial: A Response to Criticisms of the OpenPsych Journals
June 20, 2014, Negotiating the gap
March 24, 2014, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza: A bird in a gilded cage
Paper reviewed in OpenPsych journals
April 15, 2024, Is Research on the Genetics of Race / IQ Gaps “Mythically Taboo?”
Sept. 11, 2023, Income and Education Disparities Track Genetic Ancestry
July 21, 2023, Intelligence Trends in Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of Roman Polygenic Scores
June 14, 2021, A study of stereotype accuracy in the Netherlands: immigrant crime, occupational sex distribution, and provincial income inequality
Feb. 22, 2017, Cognitive ability and political preferences in Denmark
April 18, 2016, Country of origin and use of social benefits: A pilot study of stereotype accuracy in Denmark
Oct. 4, 2015, Crime among Dutch immigrant groups is predictable from country-level variables
June 4, 2015, Immigrant GPA in Danish primary school is predictable from country-level variables
May 4, 2015, A Standardization of the Standard Progressive Matrices in Egypt
Dec. 25, 2014, A Study of the IQ in Sudan
Nov. 18, 2014, Fluid g in Scandinavia and Finland: Comparing results from PISA Creative Problem Solving and the WAIS IV matrices subtest
May 12, 2014, Educational attainment, income, use of social benefits, crime rate and the general socioeconomic factor among 70 immigrant groups in Denmark
May 12, 2014, Opposite selection pressures on stature and intelligence across human populations