Updated genomes list:
Male, IQ 150 on WAIS IV:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingEmil's (gave consent to publish non-anonymously):
http://emilkirkegaard.dk/genome_Emil_Kir...114842.zipPiffer's (gave consent to publish non-anonymously):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingTegan's genome (consent to publish anonymously) is here (IQ 145 SD 15):
http://www.openpsych.net/forum/showthrea...56#pid1856Emil's physicist friend genome(consent to publish anonymously) (IQ in the mid 130s):
http://openpsych.net/SNP/Full_20140826121934.7zJulia Cybele's- White American (Wonderlic raw score 49/50, IQ about 150; Mensa Adm. Test: 112/120)genome:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingA note of caution regarding Julya: she is XXY (Kinefelter Syndrome) and we don't know how this may affect g. Wonderlic 49/50 raw score from April, 2007, using SD=15.
12 (or 11 minus the dentist I.Fisher) "high"(average 120-130?) IQ genomes can be found at Genomes Unzipped:
http://genomesunzipped.org/dataBrian Stone (Gave consent to publish anonymously). (WAIS-III from 1999 (i was age 40 at the time);FSIQ = 145, 99.9th %ile; VCI 140, 99.6th %ile; POI 125, 95th %ile; WMI 147, 99.9th %ile; PSI 122, 93rd %ile;
based on GRE scores I was in Mensa, but based on these & other measures (ASVAB, etc.) & reality (!) my verbal is 145-ish, my 2D-quantitative 135-ish, & my 3D-spatial is only about 105 (i'm pretty bad at spatial - the Wechsler doesn't measure that very well). White, live in the US - my ancestry is British & German.I have a PhD in psychology/statistics
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingJason Megill (Gave consent to publish anonymously): White American; Ancestry is mostly English and Scottish, with small amounts of Irish and German. I don't know the exact proportions; maybe 3/8, 3/8, 1/8, 1/8? Took the SAT in March of 1993 and scored 660 V/ 800 M. I was also named a National Merit Semi-Finalist (from taking the PSAT) which has roughly a 138 cutoff.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingDennis Mangan (consent to publish anonymously), CEU, biology PHD, blogger, IQ 141-150 based on GRE (consent to publish anonymously):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingKevin Wenzel (CEU), (consent to publish anonymously) WAIS-III, and I scored 135 verbal/150 performance - I'm not certain what the full-scale result was; pre-recentered SAT score of 1370 (that is, somewhere in the 141-144 range):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd...sp=sharingJ.G. : GRE Verbal/Quantitative 98th/80th percentile (raw 168/161). SAT about 750 (98th percentile).Ed. Level: MA and BA. Ethnicity?.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd4DKKQT0J4bHJyb3N6ZTg/view?usp=sharingTuomas Hietanen, Finnish, IQ more than 2.5SD above average (not by much), male.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd4DKKQVzhhRkN4cUV0STQ/view?usp=sharingSAT score in 1983 was 770M/770V; according to
http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/oldSATIQ.aspx that means my IQ at that time was about 158. Other charts show lower results.
Anthony Argyriou:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd4DKKQZm9wRlZRQnJoWW5zcm5nUVd0bW5veXVFTEVR/view?usp=sharingMy ancestry:I was born in 1966 in New York.My father is from Greece, born in 1930 in a town on the border with Turkey. His parents came from Constantinople; beyond that, I don't know. Various ancestry estimates indicate that my father's family is primarily of "Sclaveni" background - Slavs who moved into the Greek empire during the Middle Ages.
My mother was born in 1938 in Colombia. Her father was Colombian, her mother Mexican. Family lore is that they are all purely Spanish in ancestry, but the genes tell a slightly different story - my maternal line great-great grandmother (grandmother's grandmother) was American Indian (from Mexico).
Tom Cahalan:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd4DKKQYm9GSE1Iall6TWVSVXIya0diclFIZG1aOGtV/view?usp=sharingIQ: I have consistently scored in the 99th percentile on a wide variety of standardized tests: SAT, GRE, ASVAB, Iowa Tests. I scored 149 on an IQ test that I took when I was young. I estimate my IQ to be about three standard deviations above the mean.
Ethnicity: I am a White American. One of grandparents was of Bavarian ancestry, another of Irish (both north and south), another of western German ancestry, and a fourth whose ancestry is half Scottish/one quarter Spanish/one quarter colonial American (English and German).
Charles Pannell:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hcznd4DKKQVmt5RFZqMDYyNDZoWmtaMGFMU2ZpdlpMdmJn/view?usp=sharingBased on my standardized test scores my estimated IQ is equivalent to your cutoff. My composite ACT score was 35/36, and my composite SAT score was 1410/1600. I didn't study for either exam, so I think both scores are a fairly accurate estimate of my non-inflated IQ (of about 138). I have three college degrees, work as a mechanical engineer and would describe my ancestry as colonial white American from Southern Appalachia (German, English, Scots-Irish). My upbringing could be described as "impoverished", so whatever intelligence I exhibit would almost certainly be correlated with my genetic endowment.