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IQ Italy, North vs South
Emil Kierkegaard, who runs this site, wrote a program which extracts data from tables in a file e.g., pdf -- so compiling the scores need not be as laborious for you as it was for us.

Actually no. I use ABBYY FineReader (FR) to do this. It can recognize tables in pictures.

FR is very expensive, but pirated editions can be found.

When you have FR installed, then simply take a screenshot of the table in a PDF you need. Then have FR recognize it. This takes a few seconds at most and will usually produce near flawless results.

For instance, the huge Table 1 in this publication. For whatever reason, the authors do not supply a datafile (inexcusable in my opinion). However, I have recreated it from their image. Result:

Now researchers can use this dataset for meta-analytic methods. While the authors find no publication bias, it is clearly visible in their funnel plot. Simply correlating the SE and OR gives r=.29 (K=148, CI95 0.13-0.43).

One will need to reanalyze this data with a newer method that can find the population size given publication biased data. E.g. PET-PEESE or Assen et al's method van Assen, M. A., van Aert, R., & Wicherts, J. M. (2014). Meta-Analysis Using Effect Size Distributions of Only Statistically Significant Studies.
Chuck, I was wondering you run this interesting website, that I have enjoyed reading. Why dont you publish in mainstream journals, such as Intelligence, Personality and Individual Differences, Evolution and Human Biology?

Also, is the Lynn (2015) paper is published? Cant find the link :(

I have been somewhat ill. I would like to publish some of the results discussed at HV along with many others that I have not got around to posting on, but I literally do not have the energy. And no one else expressed interest in writing up or building off of the analyses. Apparently, the subject matter is too taboo.

(I publish here because it is relatively easy to. And the reviewers are very helpful. I make a lot of typos and language errors -- as sometimes it hard to focus (both optically and mentally).

As for Lynn's new scores they will not be published until the end of the year. The NIQ scores are not done, but the achievement scores (NACHQ) (e.g., PISA, etc.) are. We are using them in this analysis, which has been slowly progressing for the aforesaid reason.

An alternative and easier place to publish is Winnower. It has no pre-publication review, but you still get a nice PDF, DOI and indexing in Google Scholar. This kind of publishing may be the future for much research. See my post here
Why dont you publish in mainstream journals, such as Intelligence, Personality and Individual Differences, Evolution and Human Biology?

Chuck was planning to publish an article (in Intelligence) based on our blog articles about skin color and IQ (within the black population). There are other blog articles worth publishing. Personally, I have planned to email the respective authors of this one, or this one here, if they are willing to publish them, and if they don't want to, I was thinking that I could do it, although my interpretation won't necessarily be identical. For the moment, I have other semi-finished articles to be finished.
You may want to read my latest paper on the Winnower, where I control for population structure using Fst distances for 26 populations from 1000 Genomes (a total of 325 distances).It turns out that genome-wide genetic distances due to drift or migrations, or in lay terms "population history", does not account for the effect of the 4 GWAS hits on national IQ. Thus these may genuinely represent selection pressure. Even if these turns out to be false positives, I am more interested in how this method can be applied to other traits. If you want explanations, please comment on the Winnower page or just email me: