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Hjernevask - HBD TV?
Literally translated, "Brainwash" in english.

Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.

I do not know if it shows in the translations, but the interviewer is a genuinely funny man. You might find this show interesting. Ep 1 here:
Literally translated, "Brainwash" in english.

Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.

I do not know if it shows in the translations, but the interviewer is a genuinely funny man. You might find this show interesting. Ep 1 here:

yes I had seen this. He even interviews R.Lynn in his house!
There are a some famous BHG people in it: Plomin, Murray, Cochran (haven't seen it since it aired but there are probably others I can't think of).
Edit: and Pinker of course. Plus plenty of clueless Norwegian social "scientists".

Episode list here:
The Race one could have been better. For instance, could have explored the cognitive differences between dog breeds (varies a lot) and their genetic diversity as well (about twice as much as humans).