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Crowdfunding DOI and CLOCKSS
DOI gets papers a unique id, so that they are easier to find. They are also a symbol of professionalism. One can get DOIs for 1 USD per paper as well as a 275 USD yearly fee.

CLOCKSS is an archiving service that makes sure that anything published by our journals stay up on the internet forever. It costs 0.25 USD per article but the first 500 are free, as well as a yearly fee of 225 USD.


I think that we should have these features and that they should not cost authors anything because the marginal cost is so low. So, this means that to run this project, we need a yearly donation of 500 USD.

Let's look around and see if we can find such a donation somewhere. Perhaps we could set it up with one of the usual crowdfunding services, like Kickstarter or Indiegogo or one of the others. There is also one for science projects, Experiment.