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Canadian IQ on WAIS IV
Here is the final version, corrected in line with Emil's suggestions, and the data file.
My name is misspelled. Unlike the philosopher, I don't have an extra silent E. Kirkegaard, not Kierkegaard. (Modern spelling: kirkegård. It means graveyard)
Here we are. I have corrected the mis-spelling.
It seems fine. I approve. This brings the reviewer count to 2.
Philbrick seemed to offer tacit approval as lomg as I dealt with his 'quibble,' which I did.
I read it. That wasn't difficult. I shall approve.

One thing: (nit-picking maybe...) in your pdf attachment, you have columns of means, Sd, N for US and Canada. I can tell which one is US and which one is Canada, looking at the .doc file. But I suggest you to add a row on the top of the pdf file, with the name of countries. As i said, it's not really important.
Menghu1001: Here is the paper again and the data file with your suggested change.
We have 4 approvals. I have made a PDF. If the author can confirm that it is right, then we can publish.
We have 4 approvals. I have made a PDF. If the author can confirm that it is right, then we can publish.

That's fine.
I made a small change more (changed "short" to "brief"). I have published it here:

Can the author confirm that it is correct?