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[ODP] The Global Hereditarian Hypothesis and the NLSF
The fact you don't want to use Wicherts data may not protect you from criticism. If adding more tables is lot of works, why not just compute the correlations and just say (in the text) that it didn't change your results ? Also, the fact you use Altinok achievement score is good, but it's not IQ test. Although it can protect you somewhat, it's more definitive to use Wicherts data.

Wicherts et al. only provided data for a limited number of countries. And some of the estimates are suspect (e.g., Sierra Leone 91.3, Uganda 83.9, Nigeria 83.8) given the newer achievement data. The same can be said for some of Malloy's estimates e.g., DR 92.

Whatever the case, since you asked, I made a new variable called Wicherts-Malloy-Lynn IQ which represents Lynn's 2012 IQs with the following substitutions:

(I put in bold the implausibly high estimates)

(Wicherts et al: used scores that met the authors' criteria first, if none, then used average of all scores presented in their table 5.)

Wicherts et al.'s scores
Ethiopia 69.4
Ghana 73.3
Kenya 80.4
Nigeria 83.8
Sierra Leone 91.3
South Africa 77.1
Sudan 74.0
Tanzania 72
Uganda 83.9
Zambia 78.5

Malloy: used HVIQ Scores:

Malloy's scores:
Dominican Republic 92
Jamaica 79
Cuba 90

R-matrix is attached. As with updated SPSS file.

I hesitate to report these results because one could make a million micro substitutions. Why not add e.g., Chuck's unpublished south east Asian IQs? Then we could have a Wicherts-Malloy-Lynn-Chuck average. This gets out of hand, though.

But let me know what you would prefer that I do. And thanks for the helpful and thorough reviewing.
You know that I don't have any complaints. Just some few things that can improve your work. The paper was already more than ready to be published.

Why not add e.g., Chuck's unpublished south east Asian IQs?

I believe it's already quite enough. The critics just said it's L&V estimates of african IQ that poses problem. I'm not aware of any peer-reviewed paper that had made correction of L&V estimates of asian IQ.
If you are interested, here's a comment on Wicherts :

Race and IQ - A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It (Rushton, Jensen, 2010)

Tests of university students confirm this pattern of results. One of us (JPR) traveled to South Africa to collect new IQ data from highly-select Black students at the prestigious University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Seven independent studies were published yielding a median IQ of 84 (range 77 to 103) [40, 41, 107]. Assuming that African university students score 1 SD (15 IQ points) above the mean of their population, as university students typically do, a median IQ of 84 is consistent with a general population mean of 70. Other studies of university students have found a comparable IQ average of about 84 [108]. Studies conducted on the most select of all African university students, such as those in engineering schools, or on the basis of math and science competitions, find their average IQ is approximately 100 [41, 108]. Assuming such students score two SDs above their group average, as they do at the best universities in the US, this value too indicates an IQ of 70 for the general population.
If you are interested, here's a comment on Wicherts

Ok, attached is the millionth edit. See if the additions to section 2 are clear enough. Thanks.

If so, we have three approvals and can publish.
I believe it's OK (for the edit).

For the next time, some recommendations. The tables 3-10 should preferably look like tables 1-2. Also, for clarification, the coding of the variables should be better defined. For example, if higher values in skin color are for darker or lighter skin. And if darker, that a positive corr between color and Y means darker have higher value in Y. Your table 10 is good illustration. You've noted that you converted the NLSF parents country by their corresponding national color. The fact that national color and NLSF color correlate negatively may confuse some people, because these correlations were positive in table 6. So, I guess the national color correlates positively with NLSF color because higher values in national color is for darker skin, but it seems that in table 10, higher values were for lighter skinned people. Perhaps you should precise it in the text before publish it.

(sorry for not having noticed that before. I payed attention to the magnitude of the correlation, not much about the signs.)
I believe it's OK (for the edit).So, I guess the national color correlates positively with NLSF color because higher values in national color is for darker skin, but it seems that in table 10, higher values were for lighter skinned people. Perhaps you should precise it in the text before publish it.

Fixed. And Done.
You've made the changes, I see. Ok, I approve.

PS: I don't want to be a bother, but I have one last question. What's the 2nd file ? The one with ".tex". I downloaded it but I really can't open it.
You've made the changes, I see. Ok, I approve.

PS: I don't want to be a bother, but I have one last question. What's the 2nd file ? The one with ".tex". I downloaded it but I really can't open it.

We have been using the nifty LaTeX system. It easily generates PDFs. It makes formatting papers much easier. If you publish a paper here, I will show you how to use it. You can download the program here:
Three reviewers have expressed consent to publish [1,2,3].

John, can you upload a final version? Remember to upload it with a good filename (e.g. "global_hereditarian_final.pdf"), and fix the stuff before the title. It should be:

Research article.
Submitted to Open Differential Psychology March 24th, 2014.
Published in Open Differential Psychology April 18th, 2014.
For LATEX, I use texstudio. It looks like this:
John, can you upload a final version? Remember to upload it with a good filename (e.g. "global_hereditarian_final.pdf"), and fix the stuff before the title. It should be:
Research article.
Submitted to Open Differential Psychology March 24th, 2014.
Published in Open Differential Psychology April 18th, 2014.
