How to publish a paper in OpenPsych
Anyone can submit a paper for publication in OpenPsych, the review process is public and transparent.
This page provides instructions on how to submit a paper to OpenPsych.
Step by step instructions
Login with your username and password. If you do not have account register one first.
As a security precaution you have to opt in to submitting papers by checking the "I want to be able to
papers for review" checkbox in your Dashboard under Profile, then click "Save Changes".
In the Submissions forum submit a new paper by
clicking "New Submission".
Alternatively, you can click the "Submit a paper for review" under Publications in your Dashboard.
Fill the form with all relevant information about the paper. Add authors by taking part of their name and
select them in the dropdown list.
Note the author order, the first author added becomes the first/primary author, second added becomes
secondary author and so on.
Add an abstract, comma separated keywords and a link to any supplemental materials.
Once the paper has been submitted reviewers will be assigned. Each reviewer gives his or her opinion on
whether to Accept,Revise or Reject the submission.
The stance always starts at "Revise" when a reviewer is assigned. The reviewers will give their comments
and feedback in submission thread.
All involved persons (authors, reviewers etc) will get email notifications anyone replies in the thread.
If you do not receive any notifications then check your spamfolder.
OpenPsych uses a blind review process to ensure fairness. The names of reviewers and all other
participants who are not one the submission authors will have their names masked. Reviewers do not know
who the other reviewers are either.
If a majority of reviewers vote to accept the submission it's status changes to acceptedi> and it
will be moved to the Accepted Submissions
While the submission is accepted but not yet published the authors can make the final tweaks to
their paper by clicking the edit button. During this stage final touches such as typesetting can be
When final edits and typesetting is completed the paper will be published right away. OpenPsych does not
have issues or volumes. Once the paper has been published the names of all reviewers and other
participants will be unmasked.