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G Miller becomes dating coach?
One of Geoffrey Millers new projects:

I don't have very strong opinions on the dating advice scene, but the cynicism makes it impossible for me to read.

Anyways, I'm hoping they are able to reach as many young men as possible. Their suggested reading list includes some great (but controversial) books:

Would also be nice if GMill becomes rich enough to do whatever brilliant studies he wants to do.
Personally, I think OKcupid is the best dating site out there. Very good for matching i.e. assortative mating.
This reinforces my belief previously expressed about G.Miller...not a very serious chap.
I have a theory that he wants to spread the gospel of biodiversity to as many as possible. The best way to do that isn't staying in the ivory tower. His marketing book 'Spent' might be the best intro to many topics not discussed frankly elsewhere in the mainstream. And he was even able to pass under the radar of the point and sputter crowd.
Some of the articles on that blog are silly...they could be published on magazines such as Men's Health or Flex...when will he write an article on wearing elevator shoes and wearing a muscular superhero outfit to attract women, or to hit on those dressed in red?