Latest study shows that poverty dampens genetic influence on IQ in the US by suppressing the expressing of genes responsible for higher cognition. Given that there are large racial differences in IQ across the world, how can one possible attribute that entirely to genetics and not to socioeconomic status? (cough* Lynn, Rushton)
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Latest study shows that poverty dampens genetic influence on IQ in the US by suppressing the expressing of genes responsible for higher cognition. Given that there are large racial differences in IQ across the world, how can one possible attribute that entirely to genetics and not to socioeconomic status? (cough* Lynn, Rushton)
Post the actual studies, not press releases or journalist interpretations.
The paper:
The data:
The actual study in question found a small effect of parental SES on heritability of children in the US and none in Europe. The effect size was much smaller than reported earlier (the typical pattern).

So I don't know why you started this thread with the title, when you really wanted to talk about SES x H2 interaction.
Quote: A model that excluded all effect sizes from TEDS still yielded a null Gene × SES effect in non-U.S. samples (a′ = −.052, SE = .035, p = .133), a significant Gene × SES effect in the U.S. sample (a′ = .076, SE = .019, p < .0005), and a significant difference between U.S. and non-U.S. studies for the Gene × SES effect (difference = .128, SE = .040, p = .002). A model that excluded all effect sizes from both TEDS and MTFS yielded a null Gene × SES effect in non-U.S. samples (a′ = −.052, SE = .034, p = .127), a significant Gene × SES effect in the U.S. sample (a′ = .083, SE = .023, p < .0005), and a significant difference between U.S. and non-U.S. studies (difference = .135, SE = .042, p = .001).
Socioeconomic status has negative association with expression of genes.
Race differences in cognitive intelligence are mediated by LARRRGE levels of socioeconomic status among blacks in the US as well as in the African continent.
A overwhelming large amount of racial differences in IQ can be explained by poor socioeconomic status because it is associated with the suppression of genes related to many functions one of which would include cognition.
How is SEH X gene interaction not significant for explain race differences? lol
Socioeconomic status has negative association with expression of genes.
Race differences in cognitive intelligence are mediated by LARRRGE levels of socioeconomic status among blacks in the US as well as in the African continent.
A overwhelming large amount of racial differences in IQ can be explained by poor socioeconomic status because it is associated with the suppression of genes related to many functions one of which would include cognition.
How is SEH X gene interaction not significant for explain race differences? lol
Quote: For students and schools, the current policy is to measure success via standardized testing. Yet the immutable factors of socioeconomic status (SES) and race have, consistently, been implicated in fostering an achievement gap. The current study explores, at the school-level, the impact of these factors on test scores. Percentage of students proficient for Language and Math was analyzed from 452 schools across the state of New Jersey. By high school, 52% of the variance in Language and 59% in Math test scores can be accounted for by SES and racial factors. At this level, a 1% increase in school minority population corresponds to a 0.19 decrease in percent Language proficient and 0.33 decrease for Math. These results have significant implications as they suggest that school-level interventions to improve academic achievement scores will be stymied by socioeconomic and racial factors and efforts to improve the achievement gap via testing have largely measured it. (PsycINFO Database Record
The increasing impact of socioeconomics and race on standardized academic test scores across elementary, middle, and high school. Available from: [accessed Jan 18, 2016].
Further validates my point.
The increasing impact of socioeconomics and race on standardized academic test scores across elementary, middle, and high school. Available from: [accessed Jan 18, 2016].
Further validates my point.
Socioeconomic status has negative association with expression of genes. Race differences in cognitive intelligence are mediated by LARRRGE levels of socioeconomic status among blacks in the US as well as in the African continent. A overwhelming large amount of racial differences in IQ can be explained by poor socioeconomic status because it is associated with the suppression of genes related to many functions one of which would include cognition. How is SEH X gene interaction not significant for explain race differences? lol
So would you predict that, for example, the h^2 of cognitive ability (CA) was depressed for Black Americans (BA) relative to White Americans (WA)? What would you deduce if this was found not to be the case? Regarding the h^2 of CA for BA, would you care to make a wager? I will bet you $100, to be paid through paypal, that a meta-analysis/lit review will show ~ h^2 for BA and WA. After we settle on the amount we can review the lit. Always good to put money where your mouth is :o)
Which meta-analysis are you talking?
If you think poverty does not explain significant amount of CA differences between blacks and whites then you haven't thought about it enough. Stress and malnutrition not only reduce the expression of vital genes, but it also shrinks grey matter and white matter connectivity over time leading to large decreases in cognitive capacity.
If you think poverty does not explain significant amount of CA differences between blacks and whites then you haven't thought about it enough. Stress and malnutrition not only reduce the expression of vital genes, but it also shrinks grey matter and white matter connectivity over time leading to large decreases in cognitive capacity.
Which meta-analysis are you talking?
It's an empirical question, no? Either the h^2 of CA for BA /~ h^2 of CA for WA, as you suggest, or not. I'm pretty sure that we can dig up some studies. After we settle on an amount, we can look. Who knows? maybe you're right.
If you think poverty does not explain...
I'm sure that poverty statistically explains much of the difference. Now, if poverty causally explains the difference and if poverty, understood as an environmental effect, reduces h^2, as you say, the h^2 of CA of BAs should be depressed relative to that of WAs. No? So put some money where your mouth is and then we can review the literature. $100 via Paypal? Agreed?