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Latin Translator
I am trying to translate Esper's (1781) discussion of subspecies but I am having difficulty. I was wondering if anyone here has a better handle of Latin (than does google translate -- I took Greek in college). The passage is on page 19 of the attached and copied below. I am trying to discern Esper's definition apart from "pure variety" or "race". In particular, I need a better translation of the passages in bold.


In pluribus generibus species iterum subdividi iubet copia et proxima earum affinitas. Essentiales quibusdam insunt characteres, diversitatem in ipsa species constituentes, quos in aliis pro accidentibus habere debes. lllas subpecies, has meras varietae appellanda, censeo, de quibus nunc uberius quid constent est dicendum.

Subspecies (unfergattungen, Races) quae vulgo annumeran­tur varietatibus, plane ab his sunt separandae. Originem ex speciebus duxisse, perfectus in iis declarat partium essentialium similitudo. Characteríbus autem pariter sunt distinctae, quamvis minus essentialibus, caussa qua fuere mutatae eadem manente, sive sit externa sive interna. Ad procreandam sobolem eamque ipsis aequalem aptae, differunt hac virtute a varietatibus quibus ea denegata est. Subspeciebus imprimis peculiaris Ínesi colorum di­versitas, modum excedens forma; ut reliquas praeteream qualitates, quae eaedem manent propagatione. Ipsa hu­mani generis cum unica sit species, huiusmodi mutationi est: obnoxia, eaque subspecierum inſervit exemplo. Quan­tum distat Europaeus ab Afro? Huic est nigerrimus color, pili ſunt contortuplicati, cutis holosericea, nasus simus, labia tumida, ut characteres nominem, quos accurate expressit. Ab antíquiſiïmis iam temporibus memo­riae proditum est, illos eosdem suise qui hodierni.

Compertum non minus habemus, adeo ipsis insitam esse naturam, ut citra tertium generationis gradum mutati vix possit. Caussae itaque effectus, fervidissimus nempe solis aestus, adeo efficax est, ut in sobolem transeat. lisdem vero caussis haud mutatis, apparet, semper sui fore similes res Creatas, quas ſubſpecierum nomine intelligi­mus, imo in quibusdam , Caussis his etiam ſublatis, con­santer qualitates eas esse retenturas, praecipue in certís anímantibus et plantis, quarum natura ad mutationem foret proclivis. Praecipuum inter domestica animalia , subspecierum documentum exhibet canum. maxima diverſitas in sobole constans. In lepidopterorum quadam specie ín­ signí P. Iríde nempe, similia occurrunt constantí lege documenta, de quibus mentíonem seci in opere entomologico b). lta in plantis quaedam .occurrunt, singulari specie,recedentes forma aut colore, quas his subſpecíebus esse annumerandas censeo, mínime vero varíetatíbus



In many kinds again subdivided store and ordered their immediate kinship . The essential characteristics of the present in some , in the very diversity of species , of whom I ought to have in the other for accidents . lllas subpecies , has to be called the pure variety , in my opinion , of which now consist of more fully what is to be said .

Subspecies (unfergattungen, Races) which is commonly reckoned to include the varieties are fairly before them, have to be separated. The origin of the species married, perfect for those declared essential components of the image. So they both characters are distinct, even though less than essential, the cause is the same as long as the change of which formerly stood, whether it be external or internal. It is equal to getting children suitable varieties differ from this virtue of which it denied. Species diversity of colors is especially peculiar, way surpassing beauty; I omit to mention the qualities of the other, the propagation of which they remain the same. When there is a species of the human [genus] itself, such a change is liable to, and that is of service to the example of the subspecies. As far as European from Africa? This is a very black color, there are hairs on contortuplicati, skin holosericea, snub nose, swollen lips, so that the characteristics of the troops, who had accurately expressed. From the most ancient records show that in a long time, that they are the same, that of today's.

I'm not exactly do we lack , is so present in his nature, as on this side of the third generation of the degree of a change of almost unavoidable. The reasons So, conversely, the effect will , the heat of the sun fervidissimus that is to say , to the point it is sufficient , as in the offspring, and pass away. cases , however, no changes in the same , it appears, is always a thing they would become like the Creator, we understand the name of the species , which , in fact, in some cases , the cause is this, too, in the absence of the qualities of the bodies would be consanter was to have, above all cattle, and to plants in a particular part , one of which would be to a change in the nature of the declining age. Chief among domestic animals , subspecies document shows dogs . great diversity in the offspring constant . That is to say to the rainbow as a sign of a certain species of P. In Lepidoptera , Constantí Similar instances occur in the law of the documents mentioned in the work made mention of tallies Entomologicae b). Thus it is in certain plants .occurrunt , a special kind , the form or color , these species have been counted , I think , least of all varieties
To simplify, below is what I need translated:

Subspecies (unfergattungen, Races) quae vulgo annumeran­tur varietatibus, plane ab his sunt separandae. Originem ex speciebus duxisse, perfectus in iis declarat partium essentialium similitudo. Characteríbus autem pariter sunt distinctae, quamvis minus essentialibus, caussa qua fuere mutatae eadem manente, sive sit externa sive interna. Ad procreandam sobolem eamque ipsis aequalem aptae, differunt hac virtute a varietatibus quibus ea denegata est.

I believe that this reads:

Subspecies (untergattungen, Races) which are generally called varieties, are to be clearly separated from them. That they originated from species, is clearly revealed by the perfect similarity of the essential parts. ????