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Recent papers linking specific genes to national/racial behavioral differences
I am looking for papers, published since Dec. 2012, which have linked (or failed to link) specific genes to national/racial/"cultural"/regional behavioral differences. For a starter list:


BORINSKAYA, S., Inglehart, R., HARRO, J., COTTER, A., PONARIN, E., & WELZEL, C. (2014). Genetic Factors, Cultural Predispositions, Happiness and Gender Equality. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, (1), 32-100.

Ishii, K., Kim, H. S., Sasaki, J. Y., Shinada, M., & Kusumi, I. Culture modulates sensitivity to the disappearance of facial expressions associated with serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR). Culture and Brain, 1-17.

Kashima, E. S., Kent, S., & Kashima, Y. (2014). Life satisfaction in the new country: a multilevel longitudinal analysis of effects of culture and 5-HTT allele frequency distribution in country of origin. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, nsu036.

Kitayama, S., King, A., Yoon, C., Tompson, S., Huff, S., & Liberzon, I. (2014). The Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene (DRD4) Moderates Cultural Difference in Independent Versus Interdependent Social Orientation. Psychological science, 25(6), 1169-1177.

Kong, D. T. (2014). An economic–genetic theory of corporate corruption across cultures: An interactive effect of wealth and the 5HTTLPR-SS/SL frequency on corporate corruption mediated by cultural endorsement of self-protective leadership. Personality and Individual Differences, 63, 106-111.

LeClair, J., Janusonis, S., & Kim, H. S. (2014). Gene–culture interactions: a multi-gene approach. Culture and Brain, 2(2), 122-140.

Luo, S., & Han, S. (2014). The association between an oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism and cultural orientations. Culture and Brain, 1-19.

Minkov, M., Blagoev, V., & Bond, M. H. (2014). Improving Research in the Emerging Field of Cross-Cultural Sociogenetics The Case of Serotonin. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 0022022114563612.

Minkov, M., & Bond, M. H. (2015). Genetic polymorphisms predict national differences in life history strategy and time orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 204-215.


If you come across papers please add them to the list.